
How can I communicate my ideas in more compelling and powerful ways? How can I demonstrate ‘executive presence’ as a communicator? How can I ensure my team remembers to make the right choices when I’m not around? How can I convey my goals and vision in more engaging ways?

In this seminar, you will learn the tools to deliver on these four leadership imperatives. Through hands-on experiences and a highly interactive classroom, you will master the skills of crafting narratives that inspire others to commitment and action. You will learn how to structure your narratives to be remarkably memorable allowing you to lead from a distance. You will leave with a set of frameworks and skills to become a far more influential communicator in your organization.


  • What distinguishes leaders who are highly effective communicators?
  • How do I enhance my leadership presence?
  • Why narratives are so powerful as a means to persuade others and guide actions
  • Choosing the right narrative for the leadership challenge you are facing
  • Building stories that engage and motivate action
  • The core elements of influential stories
  • What are the expressive skills I need to be an effective story-teller

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this program, participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of why story telling is a vital skill for every leader
  • Master a simple framework for constructing memorable stories
  • Identify the right stories for the different leadership challenges you are facing
  • Learn how to construct stories to:
    • Communicate who you are as a leader
    • Instill values and guidelines for action
    • Gain buy-in for new ideas and initiatives
    • Lead your team into the future

Who Should Attend

The program is designed for individuals in leadership roles at every level. It is especially helpful for executives and high potential leaders.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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