
Transform your marketing strategy by incorporating Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI).  This course is designed to introduce marketing professionals or those that oversee their work to the transformative potential of Generative AI, covering topics like AI-driven customer needs assessment, data analysis, content creation, and personalization. We will consider marketing broadly with a plan-execute-assess framework, and identify several tasks within different stages of marketing where generative AI tools could be helpful in enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and creativity. You will gain strategic insights while addressing ethical considerations in AI marketing with hands-on practice and practical strategies to enhance marketing efforts, with minimal technical jargon.


  • Introduction to Gen AI in Business
  • Gen AI in Marketing Strategy Formulation
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Tracking and Making Sense of Customer Feedback and Reviews
  • AI driven Content Creation and Personalization
  • Ethics and Future Trends

Learning Outcomes

  • Enhanced Understanding of Gen AI Applications in Marketing
  • Practical Skills for Implementing AI-Driven Marketing Solutions
  • Strategic Insights and Ethical Awareness in AI Marketing

Who Should Attend

This session should be useful for marketing professionals and leaders engaged in marketing activities from customer need assessment to delivering superior value to customers. If you are looking for how you or your team may use generative AI tools for marketing activities for efficiency, effectiveness and/or creativity, you are likely to benefit from this one-day session.


A laptop with company approved AI software or a lack of firewalls to access online GPT is required to get the most out of this course.  Please bring one.  It can be a personal laptop or company issued one.   

A subscription to GPT-4 or similar service is strongly encouraged, though not necessary.

Corporate Executive Education Packages

Package Pricing: 1 class day per participant

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Marketing
In Person
Time (Eastern)
9:00AM to 4:30PM
Oct 31, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Case Western Reserve University
Course Fee(s)
One Day Seminar 2024 $895.00
Potential Discount(s)
  • Alumni
  • Nonprofit
  • WSOM Graduates 2024
  • Center for Family Business Member
Drop Request Deadline
Oct 24, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
Oct 24, 2024
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