INNV011 - Strategic Decision Making
Essential practices to maximize results and outperform the competition
While strategy is often crafted in the corner suite, its successful execution and ultimate impact depends on incremental decisions made throughout an organization on an ongoing basis. As such, organizational performance often reflects the cumulative effect of actions taken by many departments at multiple levels. This program shows how to devise a focused strategy with staying power; develop a performance based culture; maintain a level of operational excellence that’s needed to satisfy customer expectations; and to build a fast, flexible, and flat organization. Studies show that organizations that outperform the competition over the long term learn how to balance and sustain four primary practices (highlighted above), and at least two of four secondary practices (e.g., creating a talent rich organization; developing a leadership engine). Indeed, excelling at these essential practices increases the probability of outperforming the competition.
By working through a series of strategic decision-making scenarios, participants gain insight into the difference between conventional wisdom and “what really works.” Armed with a better understanding of “what really works,” participants can then apply the learning to their respective organizations, and surface those changes that have the potential to strengthen the overall fabric of their organization or make a positive impact. Once participants have a good sense of the changes that need to be made, we will consider ways to translate selected strategies and intent into action and results.
- Simulating strategic decision making
- Identification of success factors & formulas for organizational high performance
- Aligning activities with strategic decisions and choices
- Translating strategy into action and results
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, participants will:
- Learn what an organization needs to do to perform at the top of its industry
- Compare conventional wisdom to practices that really work
- Become more attuned to programs, policies, and practices that are aligned or misaligned with the overall strategy and positioning of an organization
- Recognize the consequences of making decisions and conducting activities (large or small) that influence strategy and performance
Who Should Attend
This program is designed for strategic thinkers and contributors. For added benefit, bring your team.Corporate Executive Education Packages
Package Pricing: 1 class day per participantApplies Towards the Following Certificates
- Advanced Management : Electives